Political Assistant HR Robinson Aziz Francis cuts new year cake at Cathedral Church Archbishop


Political Assistant for Human Rights & Minority Affairs, Punjab Robinson Aziz Francis said it was blessing that today we entered in a new year, it was a matter of happiness, but this year we all have to pledge to work together to promote love and affection among all. He said that we all have to ensure the end of hatred in all over the World especially in Pakistan. These views were expressed by Robinson Aziz Francis while addressing the cake cutting ceremony in connection with the New Year celebration at the Cathedral Church in Lahore. Robinson Aziz along with others prayed for the forgiveness of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on his death and paid rich tribute to his services. Archbishop Sebastian Francis Shaw wished greetings of new year to entire nation. He also expressed good wishes for the future of Pakistan. He said that the key role played by leaders of all religions in establishing religious harmony and brotherhood is commendable. Chairman Kul Masalik Board Maulana Muhammad Asim Makhdoom in his address said that new year was infact new hope, as all the scholars performed well in past for establishing peace, in this year more efforts required to promote peace and mutual understanding. At the end of the ceremony, Robinson Aziz Francis cut the New Year cake along with Muslim and Christian leaders and offered special prayers for the development and prosperity of the beloved country Pakistan.

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