Hasnain Bahadur Dreeshak visits Port Qasim, evaluates one and a half million tons of soybeans


Provincial Minister for Food and Energy Sardar Hasnain Bahadur Dreeshak said that one and a half lakh tons of soybean imported by the traders at $750 per ton has been lying in Port Qasim for two months while the federal government has not allowing to unload it. These views were expressdby the provincial minister on the occasion of his visit to Port Qasim port in Karachi yesterday. The provincial minister said that soybeans are an important component of feed for chickens and dairy animals. Due to the non-availability of soybeans, where the prices of meat and milk are increasing, there is also a fear of their severe shortage. He expressed his fear that on the one hand there are no dollars in the country, on the other hand these incompetents in power are trying to sink millions of dollars. If this issue not resolved immediately, another doom will arise for the people.

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