Elections: PTI approached Supreme Court and Election Commission


Islamabad: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has filed a petition in the Supreme Court to implement the decision of April 4 regarding general elections in Punjab.

In a separate petition, while informing the Supreme Court about the details of the talks with the ruling alliance (PDM), it was asked to ensure that the elections are held in Punjab on May 14 and in the light of the court decision, elections should be held in Punjab on May 14. Elections must be held on May 14 in the light of the court ruling to prevent deviation from the constitution.

In light of the assurance given in the court, PTI established a special negotiation committee and held three rounds of talks. 92 According to a news report, Tehreek-e-Insaf has submitted the details of negotiations with the government on the issue of same-day elections across the country in the Supreme Court. In the miscellaneous petition, it was said that the negotiations with the government showed maximum flexibility, the miscellaneous petition also includes details of the progress made last night. On the other hand, the Election Commission has challenged the decision of the Supreme Court to hold general elections in Punjab on May 14. .

On Wednesday, the Election Commission filed a review in the Supreme Court against the decision to hold elections in Punjab on May 14, requesting to withdraw the said decision of April 4 and calling the Supreme Court’s decision to set a date for the general elections of Punjab as exceeding its authority. He took the position that the makers of the constitution did not give the judiciary the authority to give the date of the elections, the constitution is very clear about the authority to give the date of the elections, the constitution has made the powers of the institutions very clear.

The Supreme Court changed the law by giving the date of general elections in Punjab, so the decision of May 14 should be withdrawn by correcting the mistake, if the law is not clear on a matter, the court can interpret the law in this situation, but the law cannot be rewritten, the Supreme Court changed the established law by giving the date of elections in Punjab, the Constitution of Pakistan has clearly defined the triangle of power distribution, the clear constitutional boundaries of the judiciary, legislature and administration are defined and It is not valid under the law to give a date for the election of the Supreme Court despite the limits. It is the constitutional responsibility of the Election Commission to conduct free and fair elections, while the Supreme Court also declared in its decision on March 1 that when the summary of dissolution of the Assembly If the Governor does not sign, the President is authorized to give the date after consultation with the Election Commission.

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