Condolence reference held to pay tribute to services of Pope Emeritus Benedict


In the leadership of Archbishop Sebastian Shaw a condolence reference was held in the memory of Pope Emeritus Benedict at Secret Heart Cathedral Church in Lahore on Saturday. Political Assistant Chief Minister Punjab for Human Rights Robinson Aziz Francis, Chairman National Commission for Interfaith Archbishop Sebastian Shaw, Chairman of Kul Masalik Ulema Board Maulana Muhammad Asim Makhdoom, former Pradhan Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee Sardar Bishan Singh, Allama Qari Khalid Mehmood, Professor Syed Mahmood Ghaznavi, Professor Adnan Faisal, Father Ashfaq Anthony, Father Qaiser Firoz and Assistant Director of Human Rights Mian Umar Hayat and others participated. In the condolence reference, tribute was paid to the services of Pope Emeritus Benedict, while a candle was also lit in his memory. Archbishop Sebastian Shaw, while addressing the condolence reference, said that the services of the Pope Emeritus will always be remembered in golden words. He had rendered his services for the establishment of peace in the world while his struggle for peace and tolerance was commendable. Political Assistant for CM on Human Rights Robinson Aziz Francis said that no doubt, his entire life was spent in the service of humanity and his only message was to establish peace and love throughout the world. Which is now our moral duty to promote message of peace throughout the World. Maulana Asim Makhdoom said that the message of peace is common in every religion and we all need to move forward to promote religious harmony and tolerance to maintain unity in our ranks. Other speakers also gave short speeches and assured that they will play their key role to promote inter-faith harmony around the World.

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