Announcement of housing project for members of Kashmir Journalist Forum


MUZAFFARABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 12th Feb, 2023 ) :Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan has said that a housing project for the members of the Kashmir Journalist Forum (KJF) will be launched within 45 days.

Talking to journalists on Sunday, the PM said that in the first phase, land has been allocated in Kotli for the project where plots would be allocated to the KJF members accordingly.

He said that the groundbreaking of the project would be held soon. “In the second and third phases, land will be allocated in Islamabad and Muzaffarabad,” the PM said, adding that the initiative would be taken after due consultations with representatives of the forum, which consists of Islamabad-based Kashmiri journalists.

The PM said that the government was painstakingly working to improve the standard of living of people by providing basic amenities of life. Referring to the launching of the Pink Bus service in Muzaffarabad, he said that the bus service for women would be started soon in Rawalakot and other cities.

Regarding the promotion of small industry in the state, the PM said that it was heartening to see that goods produced at the local level were getting acceptance everywhere. He said that different kinds of rosaries (Tasbeeh) being made at Muzaffarabad were being acknowledged everywhere and becoming the identity of AJK in the Muslim world.

He said that production of high-quality jeans would start from Muzaffarabad soon.

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