World Now understanding Kashmir resolution, Barrister Sultan


MUZAFFARABAD, (APP – UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 12th Feb, 2023 ) :Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) President Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry has claimed that the world community was gradually realizing the significance of resolution of Kashmir issue and the people of illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) will sooner or later achieve their right to self-determination.

Addressing a gathering at his residence in Mirpur on Sunday after return from a week-long foreign tour, Barrister said that the main purpose of his recent visit to UK, Europe, America and Turkey was to expose the ambitious settler colonialism project, the Modi government has embarked on soon after changing the special status of the occupied Kashmir.

He said that during his visit, he had a series of important meetings in which he raised the issue of Kashmir and human rights situation in the region.Terming his visit as the most successful, the president said that it was heartening to see that the world was gradually realizing the importance of early resolution of the Kashmir dispute.

“The Kashmir issue is on the agenda of the United Nations and the Secretary General of the United Nations is interested in resolving this issue”, he said.

Reiterating his commitment to Kashmir cause, he said, ” My politics has started with the Kashmir issue and my struggle will continue till the people of Occupied Kashmir achieve their cherished goal of freedom from Indian occupation “.He said that the sacrifices of the martyrs would never go in vain and the day was not far when the people of occupied Kashmir will get freedom.

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