America needs to resolve India’s relationship with Russia


The Biden Administration needs to address India’s ties with Russia and its “downward trend of democratic values and institutions” as the US focuses on the strategically important Indo-Pacific region, said a report by the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee.

The report released by the Democratic Party has called for supporting a strong and democratic India, as China flexes its muscles in the dynamic region.

Senate Foreign Affairs Chairman Senator Robert Menendez said the US needs to approach the Indo-Pacific with a well-resourced, whole-of-government approach that synchronises the military-security elements with diplomatic, economic, and civil society elements to ensure the greatest chance of success.

“I believe that President (Joe) Biden’s Indo-Pacific Strategy, released one year ago, adopts this whole-of-government approach. If fully equipped with the tools that it needs to be successful, this strategy will underpin the United States’ leadership in the most consequential and dynamic region of the world in the 21st century,” Menendez, a top Senator from the ruling Democratic Party, said.

The report said the Biden administration was correct not to make its Indo-Pacific strategy solely about competition with the People’s Republic of China. But to succeed, it has to grapple with the realities of this competition for the US and the challenges it poses for its regional allies and partners, it said.

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