Russian hackers post Nude photos of LVHN patients on Dark web


PENNSYLVANIA: Patients of the Lehigh Valley Health Network latest victims of Russian cyberattack as hackers release nude pictures on the dark web.

After the health network refused to pay the ransom demanded by the hackers, they released private pictures of cancer patients online. The hacker network identified as ALPHV (BlackCat) allegedly stole the personal information of patients from the hospital database after they refused the ransom demands.

On February 6, the Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) discovered unusual activity on its IT system and informed law enforcement. A month later on March 4, BlackCat released a ransom note threatening to “publish confidential patient data” reported Daily Mail. Per the note, they had been in the system “for a long time” and had access to confidential information including passports, questionnaires, personal data, and ‘nude photos’.The health network comprising thirteen hospitals and twenty-eight healthcare facilities in the area said that the actions of the hackers are an “unconscionable criminal act”. The same group is believed to be behind the hacking of Italy’s state-owned energy company in September last year.

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