G20 summit: President Alvi’s special directive to Ministry of Foreign Affairs


ISLAMABAD: President Dr. Arif Alvi has forwarded the letter of All Party Hurriyat Conference convener Mehmood Ahmed Sagar to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, instructing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to speed up efforts to expose Indian intentions behind the proposed G20 summit in occupied Srinagar. While doing so, the Ministry of External Affairs should expose the nefarious and ulterior motives of India behind holding the meeting in the disputed area.

According to a statement issued by the Press Wing of the President’s House on Tuesday, Mahmood Ahmed Sagar, in a letter to the President of the State, sought Pakistan’s immediate attention for convening a meeting of the members of the G20 countries in Srinagar.

Hurriyat Conference convener in his letter said that this move is part of New Delhi’s multi-pronged and multi-pronged campaign, India wants to create confusion about the Jammu and Kashmir conflict.

He said that India wants to weaken the international and legal status of Kashmir and that India wants to strengthen the perception that Kashmir is its internal matter.

The convener of the Hurriyat Conference said that India wants to divert the attention of the world from the real problem and hide the facts on the ground. There is a need for great diplomatic efforts on the part of Pakistan at the United Nations and other regional and international forums. In brazen violation of the resolution unilaterally changed the special status of Kashmir in 2019, India is lying to assure the world and G20 countries that everything is fine in the occupied territory, Modi government in the disputed territory. Organized visits of foreign ambassadors, the purpose of the visits was to convince the world that all was well in Kashmir.

He said that Pakistan has expressed its deep anger over India’s decision to hold the G20 Tourism Working Group meeting in Srinagar on May 22-24. will use effectively.

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