Two-day training workshop for Women Voters Network held in Lahore


The two-day training workshop for Women Voters Network was organized in Lahore under the program of Jazba by South Asia Partnership Pakistan. Mehr Gul, the coordinator of SAP, while highlighting the role of women in the municipal elections, said that no society can grow without protecting the rights of its women. The role of women in every department is exemplary, women also need to actively participate in elections to increase the participation of women in the assembly because the best solution to women’s problems can only be understood by a woman representative. Member Punjab National Commission for Human Rights Nadeem Ashraf said that undoubtedly the role of women in the development and prosperity of Pakistan has always been historical and it is the duty of all of us to ensure the protection of women’s rights. Women are the guarantors of a good society and women have every right to play their full role in the assemblies to ensure the provision of women’s rights across Pakistan. He appreciated SAP’s efforts on protection of women’s rights and paid tribute for organizing such sessions. Certificates were also distributed among the participants at the end of the ceremony.

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