Closing ceremony of three-week 108th ITPP International Training Program in Performance Auditing was held at Grand Emperor Hall, Nishat Hospitality Lahore.

Additional Auditor General of Pakistan Syed Sajjad Haider was the chief guest.

Three weeks International Training Program in Performance Auditing (108-ITP) was organized by the Directorate General Performance Audit Wing, Lahore from 20th February 2023 to 10th March 2023. 12 senior audit managers from Uganda and Pakistan participated in the 108th ITP International Training Programme.

Additional Auditor General of Pakistan Syed Sajjad Haider addressed the closing ceremony. Additional Auditor General of Pakistan Syed Sajjad Haider while congratulating all the participants and faculty members said that it is very welcoming that international training is being imparted in Pakistan. As Auditors we are required to strengthen legislative oversight by providing an independent and objective review of governance, financial management, performance and economic, efficient as well as effective use of public resources. He said that accountability provides public insight into the activities of various public sector organizations.

Performance auditing is the best way for taxpayers, financiers, legislators, executives and the media to get facts about organizational activities and their results. There is no denying the fact that training has specific objectives to improve one’s ability and performance. He said that hopefully what the participants have learnt in 3 weeks training programme will be very helpful in their profession. Governance, financial management and accountability are of utmost importance in the present era. We face many challenges and such training programmes are highly effective. I fully agree that training in capacity building is very important for audit managers. Such training is a more effective means of communicating fresh concepts, especially SAIs, to participants. The main objective of every government is to improve the quality of service delivery to the public. Quality of service delivery is an increasingly important issue. Legitimacy in all government institutions and trust are essential values. Performance auditing can help reinforce these values by providing reliable information, he said. Performance auditing has a positive impact on government projects, programs and other sectors of the economy. An impact audit can be a powerful strategic tool for an organization. SAI Pakistan has been organizing this international training activity for the last 42 years with ever-increasing enthusiasm. This 3-week training program enabled the participants to master the concepts acquired and be able to effectively and efficiently apply the techniques in the performance of professional duties to achieve desired results to the satisfaction of stakeholders.

He said that commitment, dedication, appropriate knowledge and skills can lead both performance auditors and auditees in the right direction. Conducting such training programs will improve governance and better service delivery as expected by the stakeholders. Additional Auditor General Syed Sajjad Haider nominated his best officer to head Uganda’s Supreme Audit Institution to join the experience sharing exercise. Speaking on the occasion, DG Audit Wing Muhammad Samiullah Tipu said that it is an honor for him to welcome the participants of the ITPP 108th Closing Ceremony. ITPP is a huge and unique activity. 500 officers from different countries have been trained. 7500 officers have been trained since 1999. The quality of the training courses is as per the latest international standards. He said that the biggest responsibility of the audit manager is to meet the expectations of the stakeholders. 108 ITPP was a combination of information and entertainment. Additional Auditor General of Pakistan presented certificates to the successful candidates and expressed his good wishes for them.

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