Secretary HR Masood Mukhtar attends session of capacity building of District Committees


Secretary Human Rights and Minority Affairs Masood Mukhtar said that to ensure the protection of human rights, all stakeholders need to move forward to show an excellent team work. To ensure the service of suffering humanity across the province from the platform of human rights department, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of the district committees. These views were expressed by Secretary Human Rights while attending ending session of capacity building of District committees on Human Rights. Members of Lahore and Kasur attended the session. The session was organized by the Department of Human Rights and Minority Affairs in collaboration of welfare organization Human Friends Organization. President of Human Friends Organization Sajid Christopher while addressing the session said that his organization was working with Human Rights to serve the humanity. Human Friends Organization will fully support the training of all the members of District Committees. Deputy Director of Human Rights Muhammad Yusuf said that 36 committees have been formed at the district level to ensure the protection of human rights While the human rights policy was implemented for the first time in the history of Punjab. Secretary Human Rights Masood Mukhtar said during his address that the best person in the world is the one who works for the serving of ailing humanity. He emphasized that all religions/social workers, media , Judiciary, Government have to work together for human welfare. currently training being provided to the members of Lahore and Kasur, training will be done for the rest of the districts very soon. Other speakers also addressed the session and paid tribute to the efforts of Human Friends Organization.

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