Sarwar Foundation, PDN send ration packets worth Rs12b to flood-affected areas


Sarwar Foundation and Pakistan Development Network (PDN) have dispatched more than 2 dozen trucks of relief rations to the flood-affected areas of Sindh and Balochistan. Sarwar Foundation will send a total of one and a half lakh ration packs to the affected areas. Each ration pack contains all the necessities of a family for one month. Trucks of relief goods worth more than one billion rupees were dispatched under the supervision of Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar, Founder and Chairman of the Sarwar Foundation. Speaking on the occasion of the departure of relief supplies, Chaudhry Sarwar expressed his determination to support the flood victims until their recovery and said that he will keep himself busy serving the flood victims for the next four to six months. He said that 20 to 25 containers of ration are being sent to the affected areas on a daily basis. So far, more than 100,000 families have been given one month’s relief ration. Chaudhry Sarwar said that our target is to benefit one and a half lakh families from this ration packet. With the support of supporting institutions, we have come close to achieving this goal. He said that in addition to providing everything needed in the ration box, drinking water has been included, keeping in mind the conditions of the area. Chaudhry Sarwar said that the international community should acknowledge that these floods are caused by climate change. It is the duty of the international community and banking channels to support Pakistan in this difficult time and waive its debts. Chaudhry Sarwar called on the international community to play a role in the resettlement of the affected families, adding that he himself will be active in this regard and will contact people at the global level. On this occasion, he also paid tribute to all the organizations including the Pakistan Army who are helping the flood victims by staying on the front line. He said that at this time we are the only hope for many flood-affected people. We need to play a joint role to save them from sinking into the swamp of despair. Chaudhry Sarwar said that the volunteers of the Sarwar Foundation will deliver relief materials to every affected family and will not leave them alone until they are rehabilitated. He also thanked Chairman Orient Mian Talat and all institutions involved in Pakistan Development Network including LHIS for helping in preparing the ration pack. Deputy Director Orient Ahmed Fazal, Abdul Rahman Talat, and Javed Iqbal Bukhari were also present on the occasion of the departure of the relief supplies.

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