Military to focus on anti-terrorism operations, says COAS


RAWALPINDI: Following the Peshawar Police Lines suicide attack that killed 100 people, the military on Tuesday decided to focus on counterterrorism operations while maintaining a zero-tolerance policy toward terrorists and with the explicit goal of achieving lasting peace.

“Such immoral and cowardly acts cannot shake [the] resolve of the nation [but] rather reinvigorate our determination to succeed in [the] ongoing war against terror with zero tolerance for any terrorist entity,” Chief of Army Staff General Asim Munir said.

The army chief’s statement came as he chaired the 255th Corps Commanders’ Conference (CCC) at the General Headquarters (GHQ) a day after the suicide blast in Peshawar’s strictly-guarded Police Lines area.

During the meeting, Monday’s terror attack dominated the proceedings.

The forum lavishly honored the victims of the Peshawar police lines explosion and vowed to bring the criminals to justice.

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