Christmas Cake Cutting Ceremony helds at Nolakha Presbyterian Church of Pakistan


Provincial Minister of Energy and Food Hasnain Bahadur Dreeshak said that the joys of Christmas begin as soon as the month of December comes, but the happy thing is that religious leaders belonging to different religions also participate in their joys. These views were expressed by the provincial minister while addressing the annual Christmas cake cutting ceremony at Nolakha Presbyterian Church. The provincial minister congratulated Dr. Majeed Abel for organizing the wonderful ceremony, said that the best example of inter-faith harmony is being established all over the Pakistan by gathering of all religious waders under an umbrella. He said that in the rule of Tehreek-e-Insaaf, whether it is the Governor’s House or the Punjab Chief Minister’s office, all the official religious days were celebrated with every religious festival with great enthusiasm. Addressing the event, Mahinder Pal said that the best example of interfaith harmony is being established across Pakistan that everyone is sharing in the joy with the Christian community, while today we have to promote interfaith. Moderator Presbyterian Church Dr. Majeed Abel, highlighting the importance of Christmas, said that there is a teaching of peace and love in every religion, while today’s ceremony proves that we are all united under the shadow of this national flag. He said that every year a function is organized in Nolakha on the occasion of Christmas. Unfortunately, last year, the corona epidemic had ruined the lives of people, but it is a matter of happiness that today we all got rid of this problem. Maulana Asim Makhdoom, head of kul Masalik Board, said that we all have to work more on interfaith and harmony to prevent incidents like last year’s Sialkot tragedy. today I also want to remember the little angels who sacrificed their lives for the sake of knowledge on the 16th of December. Unfortunately, the tragedy of Army Public School Peshawar has become the darkest chapter in history, but we all need education, peace and love. Enemies must be defeated through this and unity must be maintained in our ranks. Addressing the ceremony, Director Human Rights Muhammad Yousuf, while offering Christmas greetings to the Christian community, said that the month of December promises happiness for the Christian community. All of us need to work together to promote peace and love in the society. Scholars of different schools of thought and religious leaders of other religions also addressed the event and expressed their determination to promote peace throughout Pakistan. At the end of the ceremony, Dr. Majeed Abel offered a special prayer for the development and prosperity of Pakistan, the martyrs of the Army School Peshawar tragedy related to the 16th of December and cut the Christmas cake with all the guests. The event was attended by Javed William from Faces Pakistan, ex president Lahore press club Arshad Ansari, Syed Mahmood Ghaznavi, Hafiz Samiullah, Molana Shakeel U Rehman, Advocate General Punjab Muhammad Owais, people associated with civil society and a large number of Christian community.

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