Alhamra Observed Defense Day with Simplicity


In view of the flood tragedy, the Lahore Arts Council observed Defense Day with simplicity at Alhamra Arts Center, the Mall.

An introductory session was held with the newly appointed Executive Director Muhammad Rafi Ullah and the employees in Hall Two of Alhamra in which Executive Director Muhammad Rafiullah was welcomed by officers and employees in Alhamra Hall No.2.

The ceremony began with the recitation of the Quran, followed by a tribute to the martyrs of Defense Day, in which Muhammad Rafi Ullah paid tribute to those who sacrificed their lives for the safety and survival of the nation.

He further said that the forces of this country are the guarantors of the survival and security of Pakistan, thanks to whom we are living our lives with dignity and honour in the country.

Salam to those mothers as well who raised their sons in the love of the country to protect us, he added.After the prayer ceremony, Rafiullah listened to the problems of the employees and assured them of their immediate solution, saying that everyone has to work together for the development of the Lahore Arts Council.Director Arts and Culture Zulfiqar Ali Zulfi said that like our armed forces, the young generation is also the custodians of the future and Alhamra is doing its duty well by making the young generation the protector of the frontiers of art, literature and culture.

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