Pakistani Nation, Army Frustrated Indian Aggression In 1965 War – AJK President


MIRPUR – Azad Jammu and Kashmir President Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry on Monday said that the spirit with which the Pakistan nation and its army responded to Indian aggression during the 1965 war had not only left the enemy in utter shock but also thwarted it’s nefarious designs in the region.

The President expressed these views in his special message issued on the eve of Pakistan Defense Day falling on September 6.

“September 6 goes down as a memorable day in our history when the Pakistani people and its armed forces rose to foreign aggression and administered a shattering defeat to the enemy by demonstrating complete unity and spirit of patriotism that will continue to inspire our coming generations”, the president said, adding that this wonderful display of courage and resilience in the face adversity has become a symbol of our national unity.

The September 1965 war, he said, was an enormous challenge that the nation faced with courage. “During the war, the Pakistan armed forces displayed their professional capabilities and successfully thwarted the aggressive ambitions of the enemy that is much bigger than their size”, he said.

He said that the events of September 1965 were not only a matter of pride for us but also a source of faith-building.”Our armed forces have not only fought with bravery but also displayed superior combat skills, tactics and discipline that are rarely seen in the contemporary history of the world”, he said.

Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry said that our armed forces had the full support of the people in this war. Regarding Kashmir, he said that Kashmiri people have made eternal sacrifices to achieve their cherished goal of freedom.

He said that India had unleashed a reign of terror in Kashmir. He expressed the hope that the day was not far away when the Kashmiri people would achieve their goal of freedom. He said that dialogue between India and Pakistan on the Kashmir issue would not be successful unless the persecution of the Kashmiris by the Indian forces was stopped.

He said that instead of complicating the Kashmir issue, India must create a conducive atmosphere wherein the issue could be resolved peacefully in accordance with the wishes and aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

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