Money launderer pleads guilty


Miss Azeezah Bola Sule-Onosipe of Maryon Grove, London, appeared at Luton Crown Court on Monday 20th February 2023 in a prosecution brought by Luton Council in relation to charges of money laundering. The offences were alleged to have taken place in February 2019.

Sule-Onosipe plead guilty to 2 offences under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.

This followed an investigation conducted by the Shared Anti-Fraud Service on behalf of Luton Council. The court heard that Council was subject to a cyber-attack during which, the sum of approximately £44,000 was fraudulently obtained from the Council. The stolen funds were deposited in bank accounts held by Sule-Onosipe who then moved the money to a number of other accounts including diverting a portion of the money abroad.

Appearing at Luton Crown Court on Thursday 23rd February, Sule-Onosipe was sentenced to a 12 month Community Order, 70 hours of unpaid work and ordered to pay costs of £600.

Luton Council remains committed to investigating and prosecuting offences of Fraud targeted at the Council and working together with the Shared Anti-Fraud Service will pursue any person found to be committing criminal offences against the Authority.

Councillor Rob Roche, portfolio holder for finance, said: “Money stolen from the council is money stolen from the residents of Luton. In such circumstances we will investigate and prosecute with all the powers at all disposal.

“I am delighted that the work of the Shared Anti-Fraud Services has been able to act on behalf of the people of Luton and bring another criminal to face justice.”

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