Luton voters elect fresh faces


Luton council has a significant change of personnel following yesterday’s local elections. 20 of the 48 councillors who have been elected, did not serve in the previous term.

As we all continue to emerge from the impact of Covid and face the ongoing challenges of the cost of living crisis, the electorate has chosen those they feel are most suited to the task of leading them through the next four years.

Prior to these elections the political parties were represented as follows: 28 Labour, 17 Lib Dems, 2 Conservatives, 1 Independent

After today’s count the situation is now as follows:

Labour                              30 councillors

Liberal Democrats          15 councillors

Conservative                    3 councillors

The overall turnout was 27.9 per cent.

The number of votes cast was 40,347

This means that the Labour party remains in overall control and will select its leader and cabinet in the coming days.

The final count took place at Inspire Sports Centre and concluded at 15.05pm, Friday 6 May.

Robin Porter, Returning Officer said: “This year’s elections have been as keenly contested as ever. There has been significant change in personnel now elected to serve as councillors and I anticipate all will assume their roles with great vigour and energy.

“With a change in the ward boundaries and perhaps, above all else, the introduction of photo ID, these were elections unlike no other. It felt very much as if both election staff and voters were entering new territory. I would like to thank all those who have worked so hard throughout the last two days to support the elections. In the light of these unique challenges I am pleased things went so well and we can once again have confidence in our democratic process.”

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