Trademark for integrated healthcare ecosystem – Mentor Health launched in Lahore


Mentor Health has launched its operations in Lahore with its fully developed integrated health ecosystem. Mentor Health is an integrated healthcare ecosystem that connects health service user to health service providers and organizations who are paying for it. This ecosystem enables every individual and corporates to manage their healthcare budget through customized health services with exclusive subscriptions. It facilitates the user through online and physical specialist consultation, homecare services, 7000+ health and lifestyle digital vouchers, instant video call with doctors and in-app discounts on pharmacy and lab tests. Mentor health is a breakthrough for corporate sector when it comes to healthcare budget management and employee wellbeing. It enables the management to increase their employee engagement through its Employee Health Management Model with real time reporting and health risk assessment & employee digital surveys. In the awareness of health budget management and employee wellbeing, an event was hosted by Mentor Health. A brainstorming session on workplace stress management was conducted along with a panel discussion where renowned corporate leaders were brought on one desk to find practical solutions for the healthcare issues faced by management and employee. To learn more about Mentor Health, visit their website and social media on below links. Website: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn:

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