Section 144 imposed in Lahore ahead of PTI rallies


LAHORE – The caretaker government in Punjab province imposed Section 144 in the provincial capital Lahore for seven days ahead of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) rallies.

The provincial administration restricted all kinds of corner meetings, jalsa, public gatherings and congregations in the areas for a period of seven days.The restriction comes ahead of planned rallies of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) which is set to hold a demonstration in the metropolis to show solidarity with the judiciary.

Additional Chief Secretary in his orders maintained that number of rallies and protests are held in city on daily basis at different places, which not only pose serious security threats but also disrupt traffic and cause inconvenience to public at large.

Hence, in the context of prevailing overall security situation in the wake of recent wave of terrorism & latest threat alerts, it has been necessary to impose section 144 of Cr.P.C, 1898 on holding of all kinds of Assemblies, Gatherings, Sits-in, Rallies. Processions, Demonstrations, Jalsas, Dharnas, Protests and such like other activities across the district Lahore to avert any untoward incident, the order reads.

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