Saad Rafique rejects rumors about sale of the PIA-owned Roosevelt Hotel in New York


Railways Minister Khawaja Saad Rafique categorically rejected the rumors about the sale of the PIA-owned Roosevelt Hotel in New York.

Addressing a press conference in Lahore today the Minister said the news about taking down the Pakistan’s national flag from Roosevelt Hotel are baseless.

He said the future of the hotel will be decided next year by the new government.He said a financial adviser should be hired to explore all possibilities for joint ventures to develop the hotel as recommended by the previous government.

He said PIA is expected to grow its revenue to 170 billion rupees this year, which so far is the highest one.Saad Rafique said in the coming days new Boeing 777 will be inducted in the fleet of PIA.

Talking about Pakistan Railways the Minister said so far no financial assistance has been taken from the government to improve the railways but he requested the Prime Minister to allocate financial grants to improve the railways.He said despite the difficulties, Pakistan Railways will achieve the set target.

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