Rescue 1122 organized a ceremony to commemorate World First Aid Day in Lahore Rescue Command & Control Center here on Saturday. The Director General Punjab Emergency Service (PES) Dr Rizwan Naseer was the chief guest at the ceremony. On the occasion, he said that Rescue 1122 has provided first aid to 11.11 million emergency victims and the mission of the Rescue Service is to have First Aider in Every Home. A large number of Rescue Scouts, Rescuers, and senior officers from Emergency Services Headquarters, District Lahore attended the ceremony. Dr. Rizwan Naseer DG PESD also highlighted that Rescue 1122 has trained over 200,000 volunteers through different programs and over 5000 Community Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) are established at Union Councils level for developing safer communities. DG PESD invited all citizens to download Mobile App “Pak Life Saver” or for online first aid training and certification followed by hands-on practice of lifesaving skills at their nearest Rescue Station. Dr Rizwan Naseer also witnessed first aid demonstrations performed by the volunteers at different stalls regarding CPR, bleeding control, spinal injury, splinting, and spine board shifting. Dr Rizwan Naseer also emphasized learning essential lifesaving skills like Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and bleeding control. These two skills can play a vital role to save lives in case of emergency or disaster. He further said that all Rescue Stations are declared Community Rescue Stations and Rescue trainers are available to impart training to the citizens at all Rescue Stations. Dr Rizwan appreciated Ambulance Services in all districts for providing timely emergency care to 11.11million victims and Rescue Community & Safety Wing and all Districts for promoting first aid and safety through Rescue Scouts. Dr Rizwan said that only well-sensitized and trained community members can significantly contribute to reducing morbidity and mortality rate by providing timely first aid to the victims of emergencies.

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