PU organizes seminar on role of various political parties, bureaucracy in LG of Pakistan was organizes


A seminar on the role of various political parties and bureaucracy in the Local Government of Pakistan was organized in a local hotel in Lahore by the joint effort of South Asia Partnership Pakistan, Awaz Foundation and department political science of Punjab University.

Representative of SAP Gul Maher while briefing about the purpose of the seminar said that we all have to perform proactive role to strengthen the Local Government system. A presentation was given by Kamran and Khurram Abbas Magsi, students of Punjab University, mentioning the efforts of various political parties regarding the Local Government Act since 2019. Local government expert Zahid Islam said that unfortunately local government is not being given much importance while the best solution to the problems of a common man is the local government system. The Local Government Act 2022 has seen a positive aspect for the first time as the Election Commission will now have to bring the system in line with it. recommendations presented by the participants in the seminar were electing the mayor, deputy mayor, changing the name of neighborhood and village council to union council, mayor, chairman, district council, union council and empowered councils . Advocate Supreme Court Mubeen Qazi said that there is a need to emphasize on improving the local government system in Punjab and for this the local government has to be empowered. Amjad Abbas Magsi also proposed that union council, districts to be authorized to collect tax within their boundaries, panchayat councils in villages and mediation councils in cities. A large number of students of the Department of Political Science of Punjab University, local government experts, political and social representatives and people associated with civil society participated in the seminar.
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