People come out to express solidarity with Chief Justice: Imran


Lahore, Islamabad: Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan has said that people should come out on Saturday to show solidarity with the Chief Justice and the Supreme Court.

In the video message, he said that the country is standing at a turning point in history, historical inflation and unemployment are on the rise, the country is under the control of the mafia, the government is afraid of defeat in the election, the government is on the verge of destroying the constitution and the Supreme Court. This mafia is spreading propaganda against the Chief Justice and judges.

In his statement, Fawad Chaudhry demanded the Supreme Court to stop the caretaker governments from working immediately. In one of his statements, Fawad said that our petition in this regard should be fixed immediately, and an administrator should be appointed to run the affairs until the elections.

Dr. Yasmin Rashid while addressing the press conference along with Andlib Abbas, Sheikh Imtiaz Mahmood and other ticket holders of Lahore said that compared to the world, oppression is happening in Pakistan’s journalism, Arshad Sharif’s mother and wife are knocking on the doors of justice. The situation is deteriorating again, the Election Commission is sitting as a servant of the PML-N while under the chairmanship of Yasmin Rashid, a meeting of the ticket holders of Lahore regarding the monitoring of the election campaign was held in which the future strategy was formulated regarding the election campaign.

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