Pakistan, US pledge to deepen cooperation to fight common terror threat


ISLAMABAD – Pakistan and the US pledged deeper ties as part of a bilateral push against terrorism.

Foreign Office issued a statement as the two-day Pakistan-US counter-terrorism dialogue concluded in Pakistan’s capital, with allies on War on Terrorism discussing various issues, including anti-terror cooperation.

Both countries resolved to boost dialogue on regional and global threats, improving cooperation, preventing and countering violent extremism, and combating terrorism financing.

Foreign Office said the recent dialogue provided an opportunity to discuss the counterterrorism landscape in South Asian nation and the broader region, with a focus on areas where Islamabad and Washington can better collaborate to counter regional and global threats.

Additional Foreign Secretary (UN&ED) Syed Haider Shah led the Pakistan delegation at the talks while the US side was headed by Counter-Terrorism Acting Coordinator at the State Department Christopher Landberg.

US assistance projects in Pakistan also come under discussion, with two sides exchanging views on capacity building in the area of anti-money laundering and justice.

In the latest developments, the US has signaled cooperation to Islamabad and even supported Pakistan’s right to defend itself from terrorism, amid escalated attacks from Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan TTP and the Daesh Khurasan (IS-K) group.

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