Pakistan observes Shab-e-Miraj with religious fervour


LAHORE – Pakistan is observing the Shab-e-Miraj tonight (Saturday) with religious zeal, fervor and devotion.

Shab-e-Miraj, (night of forgiveness) is a glorious night, marking Al-Isra’ wal-Mi’raj (the Night Journey & Ascension) of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) when he was taken from Makkah to Al-Haram-Al-Sharif (also known as the Temple Mount) and was then taken to heaven on the heavenly animal named ‘al-Buraq.’

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was awarded the five prayers (Salat) during the holy journey.

Muslims across the country offer special prayers while special gathering are arranged in the mosques. They seek blessings from Allah and also pray for the welfare of Pakistan and the Muslim Ummah.

During the gatherings, Muslim scholars would highlight the importance of the day and the blessings that were endowed upon the people who brought faith in the religion and the Prophet (PBUH).

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