Modi pushes forward with anti-Muslim Citizenship Law ahead of next elections


NEW DELHI – One of most populated countries India is world’s third-biggest Muslim populace of 200 million keeps on stifling minorities and presently Modi-drove government moved to carry out Citizenship Revision Act (CAA), weeks before BJP head looks for third term for his patriot government.

The occupant government is wanting to authorize the citizenship regulation that drew anger for being biased against Muslims as it will empower non-Muslim strict minorities to apply for Indian citizenship.

First presented in 2019, Citizenship Correction Act (CAA) set off broad fights bringing about various passings and captures in Indian capital.

The timing of contentious legislation has everyone’s attention as the recent announcement comes weeks ahead of government’s expected announcement of date for the next general election.

Modi is looking to expand its majority in parliament and secure a rare third term for as polls are expected to be held in May this year.

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