Mastung attack : Two Levies men martyred


MASTUNG – At least two Levies men were martyred as terrorists stormed a check post near Babri area of Mastung district in Balochistan.

Assistant Commissioner Mastung said that the area has been sealed and the search for the attackers is underway.Meanwhile, the residents of the area blocked the Quetta-Taftan national highway after the terror incident.The officials also said that the terrorists also took the weapons of the martyred personnel with them after the attack.Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif condemned the Mastung attack and prayed for the martyred personnel’s high ranks in the hereafter.

PM Shehbaz also expressed his condolences to the families of the Levies officials.

Meanwhile, Balochistan Chief Minister Abdul Qudoos Bizenjo condemned the attacks on the Levies force.Bizenjo also expressed his grief over the martyrdom of the two levies personnel. He offered his condolences to the families of the victims of the terror incidents.

Terror incidents are a cause of concern, CM Bizenjo said in a statement, highlighting that “the enemies want to deteriorate the peace of the province.

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