Jail Bharo Tehreek-Gujranwala after losing steam in Multan, Peshawar


LAHORE – Defiant leaders and workers of the former ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Gujranwala chapter will offer their arrests on Sunday as the party’s ‘Jail Bharo Tehreek’ loses its steam in major cities.

PTI senior leader Fawad Chaudhry took to Twitter where he announced that leaders and workers of Gujranwala will court arrest on the fourth day of the drive.

Ousted premier Imran Khan announced the nationwide court arrest movement earlier this month amid an ongoing crackdown against his party leaders, who are facing a flurry of cases.

Earlier this week, the party’s senior leaders including Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Asad Umar, and Azam Swati, surrendered themselves to police in the Punjab capital, however, no leader surrendered as the movement reached other cities.

The court arrest movement, however, appeared to be a gimmick as no leader from Peshawar, PTI’s power hub in the northwestern region, surrendered before the police. Several leaders went to Central Prison Peshawar but no one was rounded up.

On Day 4, no leader of former ruling party surrendered in Multan on the call of the party chief. Police in South Punjab reportedly come with multiple prisoner vans but no PTI members surrendered.

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