Hospitals put on high alert in Islamabad


ISLAMABAD: The Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination on Monday directed the administrative heads of the Federal Capital’s two major hospitals to remain on high alert, keeping in view the prevailing situation after a bomb blast in Peshawar.

According to the ministry’s spokesperson, on the direction of the Minister for National Health Services Abdul Qadir Patel, instructions in that regard were issued to the heads of the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) and the Federal Government Polyclinic (FGPC) hospital.

He said keeping in view that the blast victims might be referred to the capital hospitals, the heads of two hospitals were also to ensure the availability of medical and para-medical staff as well as essential services in their respective facilities round the clock.

Following the ministry’s directions, the administrations of both hospitals started taking special measures to keep the emergency department on high alert for the provision of medical facilities to injured persons.

Similarly, all vehicles or ambulances will be on standby in the premises of the hospitals to cater to any emergency situation, besides making other necessary arrangements to meet any untoward situation. All the officers or officials working in the emergency department will remain physically present in their respective shifts.

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