Honourable Justice Jawad Hassan hears petition filed against no announcement of elections date in Punjab so far


Mr. Justice Jawad Hassan of Honorable High Court heard the petition filed against no announcement of elections date in Punjab so far.

Punjab Governor Muhammad Baleegh ur Rehman, in his submitted reply, stated that if the Governor has not dissolved the Provincial Assembly on the so-called advice of Chief Minister, then announcing the election date is not the Governor’s responsibility. 

Governor, in his reply, prayed for the disposal of the petition with fine.In his remarks, Mr. Justice Jawad Hassan said that we will have such a verdict, which can be implemented. He said that in this case, time is the most important factor. 
He said that the Punjab Assembly was not dissolved by the Governor, therefore the ball is in the Election Commission’s court now. 

Election Commission lawyers sought time for preparing the case. 

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