FSc Hosts Seminar on Anti Smog Drivefamous poet and social activist Syeda Hina Babar attends as chief guest


A seminar was held on the topic of anti-smog campaign in the Department of Political Science of Forman Christian College University Lahore on Thursday. The theme of the seminar was: Let me breathe in clean air: While the seminar was given awareness about the impact of smog, especially climate change on the society. The seminar was hosted by Chairperson Dr. Shakeela Noor Sindhu and Faculty Member Dr. Mudassar Farooq. Renowned poet and social activist Syeda Hina Babar Ali participated as the chief guest and informed the students about the factors of pollution and its control through beautiful poetry. Hina Babar Ali said that everyone is being badly affected by environmental pollution, while to prevent it, we all have to insist on planting more and more trees along with cleanliness. Addressing the seminar, Packages Limited Group Manager Sustainability Ayesha Aziz, during a detailed lecture on climate sustainability, urged the students to play their own role individually regarding environmental sustainability. He said that we all have to think about how we can individually discourage those elements in society that are adversely affecting our climate, if we collectively focus on such issues,we can easily play a positive role with the government in taking effective measures to tackle smog and other environmental problems. While giving a lecture on the emerging issue of smog in Lahore, Dr. Dirk, Chairperson of the Department of Environmental Science at FCCU, said that such events in educational institutions can aware about issues of climate change or global warming. Different platforms have to be used for awareness because climate change is becoming a challenge due to global warming. He also urged the students to ensure daily cleanliness to ensure a healthy and energetic society. A photo exhibition about the harms of smog was also organized in the ceremony, while at the end of the seminar Dr. Jonathan Ed Linton, Rector of Forman Christian College University Lahore presented appreciation shields to the speakers.

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