ED Alhamra Meets with Chinese Deputy Consul General


Executive Director Alhamra Zulfiqar Ali Zulfi met Chinese Deputy Consul General Cao Ke.

During the meeting, a constructive discussion was held on the organization of bilateral cultural activities.

Both high officials expressed their determination to present a cultural program with joint cooperation.On this occasion, Executive Director Alhamra Zulfiqar Ali Zulfi described the meeting as important for cultural development.

It was the key objective of the Lahore Arts Council to promote “our colorful culture and wonderful traditions in the whole world and make the world believe that Pakistan is the great place to visit”, said Zulfi.In the meeting, it was decided to hold a three-day exhibition from December 6 to 8, in which the people of Pakistan will get the chance to explore Chinese culture. E.D. Alhamra and the Chinese Deputy Consul agreed on people-to-people contacts to further strengthen bilateral relations.Chinese Deputy Consul General Mr. Cao Ke said that the diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan span many years, and I believe that both countries are trying their best to increase this bilateral relationship and friendship. Chinese Deputy Consul General Cao Ke gave a souvenir to Executive Director Alhamra.

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