Constitution says to hold elections in 90 days, implementation is a duty: CJ


Lahore: Chief Justice of Pakistan Umar Ata Bandial has said that protection of the constitution is one of our basic duties. The country’s constitution says election in 90 days, so it is our duty to implement it, we have no other option, it is not a matter of anyone’s choice but the constitution. If the court decision is not challenged, then it is the final decision. It happens, there is a need to follow the constitution, no excuse should be found, if our decision is not implemented today, time will prove it and it will have to be implemented tomorrow.

Addressing the seminar of the Minority Rights Forum in Lahore, he further said that we have been told that the negotiations between the political parties are going on, we have nothing to do with this matter, the political parties realize that it is their duty to uphold the constitution. There is a duty, we are there to support them, otherwise there is our decision which has its own power. Decisions should be in accordance with the spirit of the Constitution and the law.

He said that courts cannot pass executive orders, every citizen of Pakistan has fundamental rights, and decision on fundamental human rights is the authority of the Supreme Court, implementation of court orders is the first priority of state institutions. When truth is shunned, justice is shunned, the judgments of the courts have moral authority. I am a very humble person, I am only a member of the Supreme Court, only my support should not be called, if you are against the Constitution and If you support the law, then support the Supreme Court, we exist as a unit of the Constitution.

The Chief Justice said that the Constitution of Pakistan is the guarantor of the protection of the rights of minorities, in 1964, 2 provinces had banned Jamaat-e-Islami, the ban was lifted in Maulana Maududi case.

Addressing on this occasion, former Chief Justice Tasadeq Hussain Jilani said that it is an honor for me to participate in the ceremony, the country’s system should be run on the basis of democratic values and principles of equality. Religious extremism has been promoted due to low literacy rate and ijtihad. Protection of basic human rights is the primary responsibility of judiciary. Judiciary has to play its role to provide awareness about the constitution. Implementation of human rights is the first priority of the state. Yes, implementation of court orders is the top priority of state institutions.

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