Clashes between Pak Afghan forces-Torkham border was closed


PESHAWAR – The key southwestern border crossing between Pakistan, and Afghanistan was closed for trade and pedestrian movements after fresh border skirmishes between the two sides.

Reports in local media suggest that the two sides exchanged gunfire as authorities in Pakistan returned an Afghan national who was crossing the border without travel documents.

The return of Afghan national reportedly irked Taliban forces who closed the border and opened fire in protest. Meanwhile, trade activities and pedestrian traffic remain suspended on the first day of the week due to the border closure.

Video clips shared online show Taliban troops firing near the border, causing panic among the local residents.

Taliban commissioner at Torkham also took to social media and accused Pakistani officials of border closure. Islamabad failed to fulfill commitments to ease the border crossing at Torkham, he alleged.

The crucial border between the two sides remained a sensitive issue between Asian neighbours for a long time.

The recent tensions come months after the deadly shooting in November last year in which two sides suffered casualties.

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