Every possible step will be taken for swift and quality dispensation of justice: CJ LHC


Honorable Chief Justice Lahore High Court Malik Shahzad Ahmed Khan says every possible step will be taken for swift and quality dispensation of justice.

He stated this while chairing the first formal meeting with district and session judges of the province in Lahore today.

During the meeting, all the district and sessions judges presented their suggestions and opinions.

Taking them into consideration, the honorable Chief Justice issued the following directives:

It was decided that immediate measures will be taken to halt witness tampering and hear arguments through video link in district judiciary.

It was decided that false and baseless litigation will be ended at the first hearing, and heavy penalties will be imposed on those initiating such litigations.

The CJ LHC ordered that the Judicial officers will spend maximum time in courts and disciplinary action will be taken against officers sitting in chambers.

The meeting decided that Punjab Judicial Academy’s syllabus will be improved to make it more relevant to current circumstances and the judicial officers with good performance will be appreciated with commendation certificates, and further measures will be taken to boost their morale.

The CJ LHC ordered that measures will be taken to prevent corruption and misconduct among staff in the district judiciary, and immediate legal actions will be taken against individuals involved.

The Honourable CJ LHC ordered that the biometric system will be implemented in all district courts of Punjab from next Monday to check the punctuality of judicial officers.

The CJ LHC issued directive thay collaboration with representatives of the Punjab Bar Council will be done to break the strike culture, and measures will be taken for its complete eradication.

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