Basharat Raja Chairs Meeting of Auqaf Board


Auqaf Board Punjab in its meeting under Muhammad Basharat Raja, Provincial Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, Environmental Protection and Cooperatives has approved annual budget for the Auqaf Department. Annual income of Auqaf was estimated in the tune of Rs 2907 million in the budget book. “Rupees 454 million will be collected throug leasing of property while Rs. 555 million will be gotten in the lieu of rental assets”, read the book. The board approved 15 percent special allowance for auqaf employees while it was decided that summary of 25 percent special allowance will be moved to the Chief Minister for approval. Upgradation of the posts of khatibs of the auqaf department was also considered in the meeting. It was proposed to sanction basic pay scale (B.S) 19 from current B.S 18 for provincial khatib, grade 18 for zonal khatib from B.S 17, grade 17 be sanctioned for district khatib in place of B.S 16, grade 16 for senior khatib from the present B.S 12 and grade 7 to be sanctioned for muezzin.A 10 percent increase in the pension of the retired employees of Auqaf was also approved. Raja Basharat directed that the auqaf department should speed up the recovery of arrears. “Maximum cash box money should be spent on the welfare of pilgrims. He said that the loss caused to the auqaf department due to covid-19 should be removed. The expansion plan of Data Darbar was also considered in the Auqaf Board meeting. Raja Basharat said that the Chief Minister has been approved the expansion project. “The completion of this scheme will solve the parking problem of devotees”, he observed.

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