Balochistan CM orders probe after three bodies found in Barkhan well


The victims are family members of a local tribesman who accused a provincial minister of murdering his family members

QUETTA:Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Quddus Bizenjo on Tuesday formed a joint interrogation team (JIT) to probe the recovery of three bullet-riddled bodies from the Haji Kot area of Barkhan district in Balochistan.

The CM’s notice came a day after the levies force recovered the dead bodies from a well in the district.

The victims have been identified as family members of Khan Muhammad Marri, a local tribesman, who has accused Balochistan Minister for Communication and Works, Sardar Abdul Rehman Khetran, of murdering his family far, there has been no response or comments from the provincial minister.The heirs and Marri tribesmen have started a journey from Barkhan to Quetta to stage a protest demonstration outside the Balochistan Assembly, carrying the dead bodies in two ambulances. Hundreds of tribesmen are part of the demonstration.

Members of the Balochistan Assembly have strongly condemned the incident and demanded a probe into the incident. “We want justice for the broken family,” said Sanaullah Baloch, a lawmaker from the Balochistan National Party (Mengal).

Other lawmakers from both opposition and treasury benches have also condemned the incident and demanded an independent and impartial probe into the matter.

The Balochistan government has announced conducting an impartial inquiry into the recovery of the dead bodies. The chief minister has ordered a JIT to investigate the incident.

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