Without Kashmir solution, no permanent peace in South Asia :Say’s APHC


Srinagar,- In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has said that the blood of Kashmiris will not go waste and they will get freedom from the illegal rule of India.

The APHC spokesman in a statement issued in Srinagar said that peace cannot be established in South Asia until the Kashmir dispute is resolved in accordance with the United Nations resolutions and aspirations of the Kashmiri people.He said India has been committing the worst kind of human rights violations in IIOJK and the United Nations and other international rights organizations must show seriousness to settle the lingering Kashmir dispute and raise their voices for rights of the Kashmiris.

He added that the only and easy solution to the Kashmir dispute was holding an impartial referendum in Jammu and Kashmir as per the United Nations resolutions for which a favorable atmosphere needs to be created.The APHC spokesperson said Kashmiris have been facing Indian atrocities for the past 73 years and if the United Nations still does not settle the dispute, the peace of the world may be in danger.He appealed to the World Body to implement its resolutions on Kashmir so that the Kashmiri people could decide their own political future.

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