Snowfall, Rain Bring Relief To Jammu & Kashmir Residents


New snowfall and discontinuous precipitation have carried alleviation to the occupants of Jammu and Kashmir

MIRPUR, (UrduPoint/Pakistan Point News – thirteenth Blemish, 2024) New snowfall and discontinuous precipitation have carried alleviation to the inhabitants of Jammu and Kashmir.

The upper ranges of the two sides of the Line of Control in AJK and the Indian-involved Kashmir Valley and Ladakh district have been covered in snow since late Tuesday, while the base temperature has climbed by a few degrees.

Reports from various pieces of the state demonstrate that life here has been to some extent impacted, with irregular precipitation going on since mid-the previous evening. The Lake City of Mirpur has encountered weighty deluges, prompting crisp climate and inciting individuals to wear weighty winter clothing.

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