IIOJK people facing systematic HR violations by India since decades: Shameem Shawl


Geneva,-Kashmiri representative, Shameem Shawl has welcomed the statement made by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the human rights situation in different parts of the world.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Shameem Shawl in her statement read in the 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council said the people of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir thank the OHCHR for its statement on the gross human rights situation in the occupied territory. People of Kashmir have been facing systematic grave human rights violations and abuses by India since decades.

Here is her full statement:

Mr President

The enforced disappearance of a Kashmiri youth in Kunan-Poshpora, Abdul Rashid Dar whose mutilated dead body was recovered from the Zurhama forests after about 3 months of his arrest is a shameful and brutal act of Indian forces. He is among the thousands who have disappeared in IOJK without a trace in the past 30 years. Abdul Rashid Dar is perhaps the first disappeared person whose body has been found, and his family is lucky that they were able to perform his last rituals.

The denial of basic human rights, property rights, economic rights, employment rights and rights to live in their homes, own property, safeguard their inherited property and cultivate their own lands and orchards without any foreign or other illegal interference is only revenge to demand the right of self-determination. All laws are violated by Indian authorities in the region,

It is the moral obligation of all of us to stand with the victims of state oppression and brutality. I urge that the Council must appoint a Commission of Inquiry on the ongoing and past HR violations in Kashmir to hold the HR violators responsible for their worst wrong doings.

We welcome the statement made by the honorable High Commissioner on the Human Rights situations around the globe. I have the honor to admit before this house that despite adversities the High Commissioner in the year 2018 and 2019 submitted two reports before this council and asked this house to constitute a Commission of Enquiry to look into the human rights violations perpetrated against the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

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