Ex-AJK President Syed Ali Ahmed Shah’s Death-Anniversary To Be Remembered On Mar 21


MIRPUR (AJK)All arrangements finalized to commemorate 33rd death anniversary of the illustrious leader of the Kashmir freedom movement and ex-President of AJK Ghazi-e-Millat Syed Ali Ahmed Shah across AJK on Tuesday – March 21.

Special ceremonies will be held in capital city of Muzaffarabad besides in his ancestral Mirpur city and other places to pay rich tributes to the departed kashmiri leader for his lifetime services to the Kashmir cause.Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Azad Jammu Kashmir Justice Justice (Retd) Muhammad Azam Khan will be the Chief Guest at a special ceremony to be held at the Mirpur University of Science and Technology.

Quran Khawani will be held for the departed soul besides the schedule special function to pay rich tributes to the departed Kashmiri leader.

People from various parts of AJK will visit the mausoleum of the late leader in Mirpur Tuesday morning to offer fateha for the departed soul and other martyrs of Jammu & Kashmir state besides praying for the early success of the Kashmir freedom movement, Born in 1901 at old Mirpur city, the late Syed Ali Ahmed Shah got his preliminary education in the old Mirpur city and later from the Mission school in Srinagar .

He joined the British Indian army in 1923 as a Lieutenant. Later on, he performed an active role in the Kashmir freedom struggle after his retirement from 20-year British-India military service before and after 1947.

Late Syed Ali Ahmed Shah was awarded the title of Ghazi-e-Millat in acknowledgement of his great services to the Kashmir cause and for the progress and prosperity of the liberated territory of AJK . Late Shah sahib remained the President of Azad Jammu Kashmir from May 1950 to September 1951.

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