AJK Apex Committee suggests fresh measures to ensure implementation of revised NAP in state


MIRPUR-The 11th gathering of the Peak Council of Azad Jammu and Kashmir was held in the state city on Wednesday, with Top state leader Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq in the seat. He proposed new measures to guarantee full execution of the overhauled Public Activity Plan in Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

The gathering evaluated the advancement in regards to the execution of the choices taken in the past Peak Panel meeting. It was gone to by senior pastor Col. Waqar Ahmed Noor, General Official Instructing 12 Division, Boss Secretary, Reviewer General Police, delegates of safety organizations, secretaries, divisional chiefs, DIG Police, DIG Unique Branch, Extraordinary Secretary Inside, and others. On the event, the central secretary gave a point by point preparation about the security circumstance in the state. The Summit Board communicated fulfillment over the rule of peace and law circumstance in Azad Kashmir. It was likewise concluded that the state organization ought to watch out for the components answerable for spreading collective contempt. Compelling observing of online entertainment was proposed to stop the misleading publicity of hostile to social components. Talking on the event, Top state leader Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq said the state’s endurance and its security were his administration’s main concerns. It was occupant upon every one of the organizations to cooperate to make the express a support of harmony, he added. He guided the policing to guarantee the execution of cybercrime regulations to manage the difficulties of virtual entertainment and cybercrime.

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