Shun personal ego to save Pakistan


Chanakya, also known as Kautilya (300 BCE), was a Hindu statesman and philosopher who wrote a notoriously famous book: Artha Shastra (“The Science of Material Gain”). It encompasses very comprehensive, rather cunning instructions on artha (property, economics, or material success). A Brahamun, Chanakya got his education at a historic city, Taxila, Pakistan.

Chanakya’s classic, Artha Shastra, contains 15 sections, which deal with a phase of government. Chanakya considers government as the science of punishment.  Brazenly, he advocates the idea of an elaborate spy system, reaching to all levels of society. Immersed in ruthlessness and trickery, he recommends silencing or assassinating the political opponents to strengthen and sustain the rule.

After Ashoka (265–c. 238), Chanakya remained a counselor and advisor to seven Hindu Kings .Thus it is no surprise that Indian politics is deeply grounded in Chanakyan’s philosophy. In one of the principles, he advised the rulers about bringing down the neighboring counties to knees. He theorized that instead of directly invading a hostile neighbor, weaken it to that extent that she is compelled to abide by your wishes and whims. He also encouraged to befriend the enemy of your enemy so as to further weaken and frustrate the enemy state. When Chanakya died, his total treasury comprised a goat, a stick, two chadars (pieces of clothes) and his book, Artha Shastra .Sadly, his crafty philosophy is being practiced in most part of the world.

Confucius, a noted Chinese philosopher, teacher and political theorist is considered to be his (Chanakya’s) contemporary. Confucius authored The Four Books and Five Classics, emphasizing on social harmony and political stability deeply embedded in trust and mutual moral obligations. He legendarily avowed that one can survive under a tyrannical rule but not under an unjust rule. The almost similar saying is attributed to great caliph, Hazrat Ali. Interestingly, when Confucius left this world, his sole wealth was his books.

In this backdrop, while analyzing the Indian policy, we must not overlook the fact that Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of India, chose his sur name Chanakya .It evidently gives a glimpse into Nehru’s philosophy and approach towards life and politics. Similarly, there is a sub locality in in Maharashtra India which takes its name Chanakya Nagar which yet again ascertains how deeply Chanakya is revered and followed in India.

Looking through Chanakyan’s context, the recent remarks articulated by the Indian premier Narendra Modi (a follower of Chanakyan’s philosophy) in Washington should not come as surprise. Arrogantly, he claimed that Pakistan would crumble under its own weight. Modi is well aware that the Indian government’s policies and ploys have caused immense damage to Pakistan. Its notorious agency RAW, is always engaged to create chaos in Pakistan and hurt its interests. It is quite successfully, challenging the security and peace in Baluchistan, erstwhile FATA and even in Gligit Baltistan, to sabotage the China Economic Corridor.

It is no astonishment that taking full advantage of acute political instability and economic crisis in Pakistan, the enemies have intensified their efforts to bleed and sink Pakistan further. The recent surge in attacks against our forces in Waziristan and Baluchistan, leading to scores of causalities of officers and jawans must open eyes of the civ-mil leadership. Besides, in Parachinar, sectarian fire has been fueled yet again, compounding the woes of the state. These are the areas where regional and international players are fully focused, raging Great Game.

But, while the enemies are well focused on their nefarious agenda, our country’s civ-mil leadership appears to have some other priorities. Seemingly, they are inspired by the Chanakya’s philosophy of curbing the political opponents and other dissident voices. In this unsagacious hunt, all constitutional, democratic, legal, cultural, ethical and societal norms have been trampled, pushing country into sheer chaos and turmoil. Even the orders of the Higher Courts and the Supreme Court of Pakistan are being flagrantly flouted .This unprecedented illegal defiance has rendered the entire judicial system dysfunctional and toothless. Certainly, it is dangerous for unity and stability of Pakistan, as the erosion of people’s trust in judiciary shakes federation.

At the political front, the way the political governments in AJK and Gilgit Baltistan were toppled, forcing a clear majority into minority have left the masses totally dazed and bewildered. The promoters of such policies glossed over the crucial fact that such mistrust of the people of AJK and Gilgit Baltistan has weakened Pakistan and suits the designs and ploy of the enemies. Even the people of the occupied Kashmir have shown deep concern over such unconstitutional actions of the state and mainstream parties: it has seriously damaged the freedom struggle (both within Kashmir and at international front).Obviously, this disillusionment and dismay of people to system and state of Pakistan, strengthens the Indian stance and position on Kashmir.

Nevertheless, the planners and perpetrators are (perhaps) unaware that such unholy moves have far-reaching consequences for Pakistan vis a vis the unity Pakistan, its policy towards Kashmir and stance against India and Israel in terms of highhandedness of the people of the occupied Kashmir and Palestine.

Unsurprisingly, Israel, an illegitimate state, has exploited the situation gross human violations in Pakistan at the UN. She has condemned the human rights violation for the first time in our 75 years of history. It should not startle anyone if India (in the coming days) retorts in the UN, referring to the human’s rights issues in Pakistan. Adding on, the educated youth of the occupied Kashmir and Pakistani diaspora in the UK, Canada, France, the US, Australia have demonstrated  deep worry over the plight of the people of Pakistan, especially the opponent political parties in foreign capitals ; they arranged massive rallies, criticizing subjugation of  certain members of a political party  in the country.

In this gloomy and grim situation, can Pakistan emerge safe and march to progress and prosperity? The answer is a sure yes, provided the current civ-mil leadership shows political acumen and shuns personal ego. While the adversaries of Pakistan are truly following the infamous Chanakyan’s principles, the policy makers and other very powerful players need to revert to the principles given by Hazrat Ali, the sooner or better. Procrastination in this regard would be simply detrimental to Pakistan , may be beyond repair. The writer can be reached at

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