Parasites in Palaces

The writer is an academic based in

By- Zafar Sultan

Dev Johnson Clubby, a Greek scholar was taking sunbath, leaning against the wall when his student,Alexzander the Great, galloped past him. Showing deep reverence to his teacher, Alexander went back to him (Johnson), knelt before him and shared the prestige of becoming a king. The teacher squinted him and waved him to move aside and unblock to let him relish warmth of the sun. He also elucidated to Alexander that his mount to kingship did not bring about any privilege or pleasure to him.

Yet another students of Dev Johnson, who belonged to a feudal family, built a magnificent palace of marbles: its splendor echoed through the entire Greek. People from far and off went to visit and appreciate that marvel of architecture and construction. But that inflated fame of the palace failed to appeal Dev Johnson, and he did not visit it. At that, his student beseeched him to see his palace.

Reluctantly, Dev Johnson visited the palace and admired its grandeur. After that, to sheer shock of the owner, Dev Johnson spat phlegm at his face. Shaken and evidently perturbed, the student asked him (Dev Johnson) the reason for his (Johnson’s) unbridled wrath. Johnson responded that he did not find any other uglier place in the entire palace to spew at except his (owner’s) face. Johnson remarked that mere reading books doesn’t transform anyone’s character: character building requires grooming. “Your grooming was done in a feudalistic environment, engrained in gross injustice, cruelty, and exploitation of the poor and helpless,” Johnson continued. “In this wonderful palace I overhead the wails and anguishes of the salves and destitute. It was petulance of his sins which penetrated down my lungs, prompting raw cough,” Johnson concluded.

Saadi Shirazi, a Persian poet, believed that a wolf cannot be disciplined into a human being; even if it stays in the company of the humans because its beastliness would dominate its nurture done amongst the humans. It might come as a surprise to many that the Greek scholars did not follow any religion but they preserved and followed the treasured knowledge and wisdom of the previous prophets and their followers. The Greeks were great philosophers and thinkers; but they were not inventors.

Saadi Shirazi-Poet

It is imperative for the leaders of nations and communities to follow some religion or some principles given by any philosopher. In the light of those principles and values, the leaders try to ensure safety and prosperity of their nations and countries.
Regrettably, there is a dearth of God-fearing and farsighted leadership in comity of nations. Most of the leadership, especially in former colonies including Pakistan , is crafty, exploitative, and repressive .They befool people in the name of democracy and amass their wealth and money launder it to the western countries. Their successive generations study in those countries and return to Pakistan only to rule and hoard more wealth.
Our ill-starred country, Pakistan, has witnessed various bewitching and beguiling slogans: Roti, Kapra, Makaan, Islami Nizam, Sub se Pehle Pakistan, Vote ko Ezzat Du. ’But those slogan- mongers kept on pillaging and plundering Pakistan, without alleviating miseries of common Pakistanis.

Though the Islamic concept of politics binds the politicians is to educate the masses, highlighting the differences between right and wrong, their rights and responsibilities. The rulers are the representatives of Allah who enjoin good and shun evil. They are responsible for the progress and prosperity of masses.
Forlornly, there is no Islamic state in the world, serving as a model of Islamic political teachings. In fact, these so called Islamic states are practicing the ideology of Machiavelli and Chanakya. Many might express disbelief that Nehru and ZA Bhutto, would both exalt Machiavelli. Nehru particularly liked Machiavelli because he was a follower of Chanakya. Nehru adored his title as Chanakya and named the diplomatic enclave in Delhi as Chanakya Nagar.
It is widely believed that Bhutto would pillow at The Prince, the infamous book of Machiavelli; and, it should not surprise us that his actions reflect teachings of Machiavelli through his arrogance,cunningness and humiliation of his challengers, highlighted by Syeda Abida Hussain in her book: Power Failure. So, rhetoric and deeds of children Bhutto and Shriefs should not startle us.
Still, a sizeable population follows these feudal families and looks at them as their savior and sustainer, having totally failed to understand that followers of Machiavelli cannot never be sincere to their people. It is pertinent to reiterate that Machiavelli advised rulers to be cunning like a fox and ruthless like a beast. They should use law and constitution to befool people whose primary need is sustenance.
Nowadays, to carry on the legacy of plunder and pillage, both family parties (Zardaris and Shariefs) have joined hands: only to shield their plundered wealth and advance their family interests. Shockingly, they have been supported by hidden hands, intellectuals, media men and judiciary as well. Can followers of Machiavelli be sincere to people and Pakistan? Can our judiciary eavesdrop to wails and mourns resonating through these palaces? Can people rise against the parasites living in palaces?

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