Thousands raised for Gaza medical aid at Luton mayor’s charity iftar

The Palestinian flag hung from the town hall balcony in a show of solidarity
Thousands of pounds were donated to a charity supporting medical aid in Gaza after the Mayor of Luton hosted a charity iftar at the town hall.
Cllr Mohammad Yaqub Hanif helped to raise over £5,000 in less than two hours for the Medical Aid for Palestinians charity, which helps those caught up in the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza, and supports the development of the Palestinian healthcare system.
Cllr Hanif said: “I would like to thank everyone who came along last night and gave so generously. Luton has always been a town where people do what they can to help others who are less fortunate themselves.
“Last night was yet another testament to this with people giving what they can to help alleviate the suffering of those caught up in the awful conflict in Gaza. We all just pray for peace in the region and the end of the suffering of innocent people.”
Cllr Hazel Simmons, leader of Luton Council, praised those who “dug deep into their pockets” last night. She said: “We are absolutely horrified at the killing and suffering and share the deep anger and upset being felt across our communities at what is taking place in front of our eyes. Communities across the town are appalled at what they are seeing as it is absolutely horrific and inhumane.
“The messages we have heard from Luton’s communities is clear – our town wants an immediate ceasefire, the release of Israeli hostages and the immediate end of and withdrawal of settlements from the West Bank.”
She explained: “In the first full council meeting after the conflict broke out councillors from all three political parties called for an immediate ceasefire. Our community is deeply impacted by what has happened and we have done our best to ensure their voices are represented and have continued to do so ever since.
“The strongest message we can send is a united voice from Luton demanding an end to the violence and suffering of so many innocent people.”

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