CCPO Lahore Bilal Siddique Kamyana presided over the Wushu Kungfu award distribution ceremony at the Communal Hub on Saturday.In his address to the audience, Mr. Kamyana extended his congratulations to the school administration for organizing a successful event.

He commended the school’s efforts in providing education and physical training to underprivileged children, as it reflects the school’s strong sense of social responsibility.

Mr. Kamyana underscored the importance of establishing welfare organizations that can provide education and training to the less fortunate segments of society, enabling them to become self-sufficient.

He emphasized that it is the collective responsibility of every member of the community to ensure the education and training of disadvantaged individuals. He further highlighted the importance of promoting healthy activities, such as sports, as they play a crucial role in developing children’s character and moulding them into valuable citizens of society.

Moreover, Mr. Kamyana stressed the need to organize sports events in conjunction with quality education to create a conducive environment for children. He urged students to participate in sports for their mental and physical well-being, in addition to their academic pursuits.

The program concluded with the distribution of certificates and prizes to the children who achieved outstanding positions.

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