Hate speeches and writings should be discouraged l:Masood Mukhtar


Secretary Human Rights and Minority Affairs Masood Mukhtar said that writings and speeches sowing seeds of hatred in the society are poison for our country. Both the government and society have a joint responsibility to monitor and address such elements. These views were expressed by Human Rights Secretary Masood Mukhtar while presiding over a consultation session meeting at the Human Rights Camp Office on hate speech and its impact on society. The Secretary of Human Rights said that we should choose such words, which do not increase hatred in the society, should emphasize on promoting mutual love. The founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam, never imagined such a narrow ideology, the foundations of the country are being hollowed out by such attitudes. A documentary was presented by Bangard’s team at the, which mentioned the steps taken to discourage hateful content in various educational institutions. Various suggestions were also presented by the participants, which included emphasis on social media campaigns, social media guidelines, emphasis on ethical topics, establishment of various committees within universities and emphasis on training sessions. In the meeting, Additional Secretary Human Rights Rizwana Naveed, Dr. Rehana from Higher Education Department, Senior Consultant Asfa Khan, students from Government College, Lahore College, Canade College, representatives of youth welfare organization Bangard, representative of US AID Council and various welfare organizations were present in the meeting.

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