Consultative Session on IT Hardware Production

A consultative session focusing on IT hardware production was successfully held at AKS Auditorium , Planning and Development Board, Punjab.

The Session brought together key stakeholders from the public and private sectors, academia, and industry to discuss strategies for enhancing the IT hardware manufacturing landscape in the Punjab province.

The session aimed at identifyibg challenges and opportunities in the IT hardware sector, promoting local manufacturing, and fostering innovation. Participants engaged in productive discussions on policy recommendations, technological advancements, and potential partnerships to strengthen the IT hardware ecosystem.

The Local Manufacturer of IT Hardware shared insights on the latest trends in IT hardware, emphasizing the importance of research and development. They expressed their commitment to supporting the Government of Punjab in promoting local hardware manufacturing. However, they stressed that there should be strict restrictions on the import of IT gadgets through unofficial channels and advocated for some tax relaxations. Furthermore, they called for the acceptance of locally manufactured items, at least at the government level.

The Chairman Planning and Development Board, Barrister Nabeel Ahmad Awan emphasized Government of Punjab’s commitment to promoting local production and
reducing reliance on imports. He said that the vision of CM Punjab is to create a conducive environment for IT hardware manufacturing in Punjab. He expressed his gratitude to all the participants for their valuable contributions and his desire for further such engagements to pace the way for the growth of the IT hardware industry in Punjab.

The session concluded with a consensus on the need for continuous dialogue and collaboration among all stakeholders to achieve the province’s objectives in IT hardware production.

Secretary P&D Board Dr Asif Tufail, Chairman PITB Mr Faisal Yousaf, DG e Governance Mr Sajid Latif, Chief IT Mr Waqas Ranjha, Chief Governance Mr Naseer, CEO OZI Group Mr Usman Sheikh,COO Viper Mr Faisal, CEO Viper Mr Khushnood, CEO Airlink Mr Adnan Aftab, CEO Roboart Mr Ali Rashid, CEO RADA Mr Abdullah Afzal, CEO Dysol Mr Abdul Basit and others distinguished experts.

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